“Experiential dimensions are limited to the program, and the program is finite to the extent that the variables are only as good as the moment of their unification.”
- Robert C, Morgan, The End of the Art World, The Artists’ Museum, Lodz, 1996.
Robert C. Morgan’s paintings employ geometry and are relatively intimate in scale. There are two fundamental elements in these paintings: one is the reflection of external light on metallic forms, and secondly, the absorption of light in relation to mixed earth colors and ultramarine. The artist’s intention is to capture the instant between the reflection and absorption of light, a perspective derived some years ago by Morgan while reading the Tao Te Ching, a book written in 500 B.C. representing the fundamental reconciliation of opposites.
While this exhibition is primarily of new recent work that has not been show before, also included is a suite of ink and graphite drawings from 1967 previously seen at The Armory Show in 2018. Morgan’s paintings and related art works have been exhibited in several individual and group exhibitions throughout the United States, Europe, South America, and the Republic of Korea. He has shown in prestigious galleries and museums, including the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston (1972, 1974), The Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester (1986), Cologne Art Fair (1990), Millennium Film Workshop (1988), and The Museum of Modern Art, Film Department (1999). In 2017, Morgan had a major survey exhibition (with catalog) at the Proyectos Montclova in Mexico City (March 23 – April 29, 2017). His work was shown in 2017 and 2018 at the Armory Show in New York City and in 2022 at Gallery Artego in Long Island City, New York.
Robert C. Morgan holds a Master of Fine Arts degree and a Ph.D. in Art History. He has lectured widely, curated numerous exhibitions, and has written literally hundreds of critical essays. He was appointed as the first critic-in-residence at Art Omi International Artists Residency in 1992, and in 2016 honored as a Critic Emeritus. In 1999, he was awarded the first Arcale prize in International Art Criticism in Salamanca, and the same year served on the UNESCO jury at the 48th Biennale di Venezia. In 2002, he gave the keynote speech in the House of Common (London) on the occasion of Shane Cullen’s exhibition celebrating the acceptance of “The Agreement” by the UK, penned by Nobel laureate John Hume. In 2003, Dr. Morgan was appointed Professor Emeritus in art history at the Rochester Institute of Technology, and, in 2005, became a Senior Fulbright Scholar in the Republic of Korea. In 2011, Dr. Morgan was inducted into the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg in 2015.
The exhibition will be available to view Monday – Fridays, 10am-5pm through until 30 November.
Robert C. Morgan
The Loggia Paintings: Early and Recent Work
17 September - 30 November, 2022